Friday, June 11, 2010

Its a Friday and I want to pig out

So here I am thinking that its a short work day and I should enjoy myself and relax. To me, relax means sit around and watch movies while eating large quantities of sugar. I need to get away from this mindset. I am going to try only watching TV while standing up to reduce my need to sit for hours and watch TV. Do you think that will work?

We are going camping this weekend. I am bringing a blanket because I know my fat butt won't fit in the mummy sleeping bag.

1 smore, thats all the crap I am going to eat this weekend. We are going to hike and go kayaking. Hopefully I can burn some extra calories doing that.

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Fat Girls Unite!

Okay so today is my first post. I got some shocking news today. My husband ordered the P90X DVD series, which requires you to take 'before' pictures. Well I went outside, took some before pictures of my husband and he insisted he take some of me as well. I was literally SHOCKED at the result. My level of fatness has reached something I had never imagined.

How did I let it get this bad you ask? I have no freakin' clue! And thats the truth. I was completely blind sided by these pictures. Here are some of the signs that I should have realized how fat I really was.

My wedding ring doesn't fit.

None of my necklaces fit.

If it doesn't have elastic, I haven't been able to wear it.

My cute strappy shoes don't fit.

I wore heels one day and my feet hurt because I am too heavy.

I was actually too paranoid to go on a roller coaster at Hershey Park because I was afraid I wouldn't fit in the seat! (don't tell anyone I said that, its a secret)

The thought of getting in front of the camera instead of behind it completely terrifies me.

I have been secretly hoping that I would come down with some temporary illness which would make a doctor tell me I have to lose weight or I will DIE. In the hopes that it would suddenly force me to get on a path to fitness.

Whats the plan you ask? Well I don't really have one YET. At least not a meaningful one. All the junk food in this house is being thrown out today and I am starting an exercise regimen. Don't misunderstand, I have no delusions that I am going to participate in this P90X crap but me and my elliptical trainer are going to become one.

I don't know if anyone is going to read this, or participate but I feel like I need more accountability in my weight loss journey and if the blog helps me stay focused then that would be a good thing.

Anyone with me?